See what the future holds
Rudi – One of the UK’s best naturally gifted psychic mediums and Tarot Readers.

To have a reading call Rudi now on 07748060562
Rudi also does Skype readings. Please call for details.
What are people saying
Rudi has hundreds of testimonials, See what they say about him:
Susan: Hampshire
I came to you feeling my life had no purpose , I felt I was a failure in my relationships and was unhappy with my job.. I know now who is the right man for me and what’s the best direction for my new job. You have such clear insight into how I feel and who I really am. Brilliant Thank you.
Wendy: Brighton
What can I say, Gob smacked. If I didn’t know better I’d swear you had been sat on my shoulder for my life. You pegged me perfectly; you answered so many questions and affirmed so many of my own instincts. You have given me the confidence to go forward as I knew I should ..but wouldn’t. Seeing you at your centre, I knew I would be comfortable with your honest sincerity, you have exceeded my expectations.
Muriel: Somerset
Rudi is brilliant! He covered in depth all aspects of my life that matter and brought so many of my family to me in spirit in true detail and assured me of a great future for me and my son. Thank you!
Mary: London
Rudi’s readings are always very accurate, he is an inspiring person and I would really recommend having a reading with him, he is a problem solver! I will be back!
Fiona: Southampton
I was really pleased with my reading I felt so much happier when I left, than when I arrived, I will come back to see Rudi as he has got a lot to offer with his spiritual enlightenment. See you soon.
Charlotte: London
Rudi Thank you so much for all the help and honest guidance you’ve given me over the years. I always feel happier and more positive after my readings. See you in June.
Betty: Weymouth
You have a wonderful gift to communicate with my loved ones in spirit; your messages are so true and accurate. You truly have an amazing gift to link with spirit.
John: Bournemouth
Fantastic reading, spot on with all that was said. Thank you
Maggie: Bristol
I have just had the most amazing reading with Rudi, within moments he has grasped my situation and is giving me the direction I have been struggling for so long to find and I now realise the answers were there all along – just locked away. Thank you Rudi for setting me free and giving me strength to get back on track, everything you have told me today was so right. It was so special to feel close to my Dad again. Thank you
Simon: Birmingham
The reading gave me direction and answered a very important pivotal question in my life. Sincerely worthwhile, much appreciated. I will see you again
Ellie: Scotland
Rudi is special, sincere and so spiritually connected, when my heart has been heavy, he has given me hope, direction and put a smile back on my face….. He is sensitive and reassuring and I always feel safe in knowing he will always be honest with me in finding the right path in my life.

You can buy Rudi’s book online now at Amazon also available as a Kindle Version.